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LaughingWELCOME ALL ,  MY name is Rick Desjarlais ,      I have joined the PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS  in nov 2009 , This group honors and respects all that has to do with our soldiers, our military, their familys , and our veterans !!! It is an honor to ride with , or stand the flag line with this group ! You don't truly realize  what our freedom cost , till you start paying attantion . Membership is free , You'll find out , the time you donate ,is an honor !                            I  am also a member of R.I.M.A.  (rhode Island Motorcycle association ) , they fight for our rights and freedoms at our state level and national level ! From our helmet laws , to bringing national $ into our state for mortorcycle safety laws , and trying to pass  bills for motorcycle parking , and handicap spots , noise ordinences , etc, etc, !  they do so much for our rights , they can use all our help !!!! JOIN IF YOU CAN ???????                                                                            i have attended a few meetings with the local C.M.A. (Christian Motorcyclist Association) This also is a great bunch of people who ride for and with our lord ! The CMA does so much good work , I think it goes unnoticed !!   Not only are they out there trying to share the life of jesus and be there for whoever needs them ,they also ride for many charitys , donate there time , and there lifes for others .. This dec I attended A meeting where they were going to buy gifts to hand out to patients at the veterans hospital !! Like I said a lot they do ,goes unnoticed !  God bless them for the work they do , and I thank them for bringing me closer to jesus in my heart !!!!    I am also thinking of joining , this association . I have rode with them and reguard them as my friends !    UPDATE !  i HAVE JOINED !!!!!!                                                                                                                                              rides with family & friends have been some of the greatest rides of all . We used to ride every sunday for about 5 yrs ! still hope to do a lot of rides with them !   The best times in life are not planned ,, it just happens , and thats  how our rides , most of the time worked out !                                                                 Rick D  (pappy)                       MEMBER-- CMA  ... R.I. PGR   ( patriot gaurd riders) .... R.I.M.A. ....  ( Rhode Island Motorcycle association ).... M.R.F. (motorcycle riders foundation)

PLEASE , sign my guest book ,,looking forward to seeing you!

Standing for those , Who stood for us !


I believe in the sun even if it isn't shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent."